How to hug a porcupine...
You've heard of that book, right?
I've always wanted to read it, but mostly so I gather some tips I could hand off to Jeremy so he would know how to cope with me on a regular basis.
I married a saint.
I mean, not to buy into the stereotypes, but women are horribly difficult to deal with normally, what with their over-thinking, over-emoting, over-everything. But pregnant women....
I have an irrational hatred of some clothes in my closet. I loath them. They spark some sort of bestial rage that makes me want to burn them, which is bad since they still have tags on them.
A few pregnancies ago, I had this same hatred for my oscillating fan.
I wonder if Jeremy is going to snap someday, what with all the crazy female hormones bouncing around the house. I'm not sure Joshua's boy-ness and Jerm's manlihoodness is enough to counteract 4 small females and the Pregnant Mother Ship.
Which is probably why everyone is rooting for a boy.
Baby Z, however, is probably a writhing ball of estrogen and chocolate stilettos.
Which will make Jeremy's head implode. least he'll have lots of sons-in-law someday, right??
If he survives that long.