Fat As Butter
How much more satisfying it would be?
How much healthier we would be?
I was thinking about it last night (hence the drawing today) as I lay in my husband's arms and cried because those three candy bars and the two pieces of pie I ate didn't put up any sort of fight.
My good husband reassured me that I wasn't fat, and that I looked great.
My body disagrees.
And proclaims my unfitness as it struggles to breath as I traipse up the stairs.
I have the opposite problem of the Tawny Scrawny Lion.
"Oh me, oh my I'm hungry, can't seem to get my fill...I'd be fat as a butterball...if you all would just stand still!"
Frankly, I would be glad if I had to catch my own food.
Makes me wish that candy bars had legs, for two reasons: One, I would have to chase them down, thus burning calories, and two, I wouldn't eat them because, really, if a candy bar had legs that would be highly disturbing.
I mean, would you eat a candy bar that had eight legs and spun a web? I don't think so.