A Big Thanks...
I would like to send a big thank you out to all of you who responded so kindly to my last blog. You know your true friends when you throw a tantrum and they still like you! :)
So, because you made my heart all sunshiny, I am going to give something back! Nothing fancy, mind you, but something from the heart!
The next 20 people to leave a comment on this blog will get a special something from me (I chose that number so that every person I know plus random blog-stalkers get a chance at something.)! Don't worry, I won't send anything that explodes. Maybe something weird, but nothing that explodes. So, for those of you who don't live within 2 miles of me, please send your addresses to shydandelion2000@yahoo.com, or you can send it to my Facebook inbox. You DO need to comment before Sunday, though, so I know exactly how many I need to send out!
Good luck, my fellow bloggers!
P.S. A list of prizes is coming....
P.S.S NO CHEATING! Only one prize per person (that means YOU, Jenny!).
by the way, how's the house hunting going?