Weekly Update

So, I lost 2.5 lbs this last week.

Woo hoo!

I still have 14 lbs to go, which ain't too shabby.

I switched things up a little with what I was eating since I wasn't making progress, and, I won't lie, I've been praying a whole lot for help. 

Here's what I've been doing (As a disclaimer, this works for *ME* but you may find it doesn't. You need to find a plan that works for *YOU*. Now, I really like my plan, and as you can see, it actually works, but if you can't imagine doing it, or you don't like it if you try it, then by all means find another way.)

Breakfast: Smoothie and 1/4 apple (I split the apple in quarters, and give them to all the kids that have lots of molars, but not to Eden because she doesn't like them.)

I have a large capacity Ninja blender (holds about 11 cups), and I stack the smoothie thus:

Bananas (4)
Frozen spinach, kale, or Swiss chard (1-2 cups...I just eyeball it)
Frozen pineapple (2 cups...makes it super sweet!)
Frozen berries (1-2 cups)
A whole carrot (Sometimes. I haven't been in the mood as of this week.)
Fill jar with water until only 1/2 inch remains

*I don't use yogurt or milk, because I don't like using dairy (for various reasons, but the high calories are enough of a deterrent at the moment), and I find the bananas make it creamy enough. I also don't need to use honey (which I normally don't object to because it is a whole food) because the pineapple is so sweet. When I change the smoothie out for a different one (say, the peanut butter and banana smoothie...yum...), then I will use honey. I don't ever put sugar, because that kind of negates the whole purpose of a green fruit smoothie...


That give me enough smoothie for me to have one at breakfast, and lunch, and so Jeremy can take some to work, and the kids each get a cup of smoothie. Awesome Possum.

Lunch: Smoothie 

Snack: Popcorn

Snack: 1 cup homemade pasta salad

The salad consists of whole wheat rotini, green grapes, craisins, salted cashews, green onions, a quarter cup ranch dressing and about 2 tablespoons of mayo. Yum.

Now, I plan on shaking up the snacks, since I just bought some fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, and cherries. The switch won't be too hard since the calories in fresh fruit are minimal.    

Dinner: Whatever is on the menu, in moderation. My FAVORITE meal EVER is chicken tostadas:

Cook chicken in chicken stock with half of a chopped onion. Add oregano liberally (I like my spices). Shred meat, and set aside 

In another bowl, combine 1 can black bean (or ones you have soaked, about 2 cups worth), 2 cups frozen corn, thawed, (or 1 can), and 1 cup chopped tomatoes. Stir to combine, and add 1 juice of a lime, and 1/4-1/2 cup chopped cilantro. Toss, and set aside.

Heat oven to 350. Place tostadas on cookie sheet, and bake 10 minutes to heat.

I purchase my tostadas from Wal-Mart in a nice yellow bag found in the bakery. They are like giant, round corn tortilla chips. 

Assemble your tostadas thus: crunchy, hot tostada; chicken; shredded cheese; bean salad; lettuce; dressing. 

Done. Easy peasey. Yummy yummerton. 

I have found that I am not super hungry with this plan. I actually end up drinking a lot more water than I normally would because I am not eating the whole morning. 

So, there ya go! 

Have a great week!


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