Bulletin Board Makeover

From this...
With the new school year, I wanted to be all Official Home School Mommy, and bought a bulletin board. 

The possibilities were endless...

Until I got the bulletin board and was completely underwhelmed.

It was so...cork boardy...

I then decided that my bulletin board needed a makeover, and I imagined all the possibilities of painting it, and then rethought that idea since cork board could potentially soak up a lot of paint.

And then I came across a marvelous idea!

Cover the cork board with FABRIC!

Oh, yeah, baby.

So, I found some fantastic fabric on Etsy that went nicely with my nautical theme in the kitchen, and waited a millenia for it to arrive.

It was so worth the wait! 

After letting both the cloth and the board sit for weeks doing nothing, I decided today was the day, and I went to town on the cork board, first painting the boarder with some nice nautical blues (seafoam, dahling...). I then cut the fabric a little larger than the inside boarder, and the applied hot glue along said boarder, shoving the fabric into the space between the cork board and the frame. I then finished it off by trimming the extra fabric, and may or may not have cut little slivers off the frame....Turned out better than I thought it would! Sorry it's all blurry. 
To this!
I covered a cork board...I can conquer the world! 


Trillium said…
That's my girl!

One of your sisters is famous for saying, at age 5, "I can tie my shoes: I can do anything!"

It's in the genes.
Tina said…
Ooooh!!! I love it!!! Looks fantastic!!!

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