
I can see how freeing it would be to be a person living in a hut in the middle of the Savannah somewhere, with only the dirt and your family for company, and perhaps the occasional grangy lion.

Can't you just see it? Your only concern is just to live, and due to the occasional grangy lions, to survive.

None of this blastedly demoralizing technology to bog you down and make you feel CRAZY when you lose all those precious pictures of your naked babies in the hospital because some jerk from Nebraska decided to create some sort of computer "worm" or "virus" or "yeti" (they don't have these yet as far as I know...maybe I'll program a computer yeti to destroy peoples computers and lives...) that deletes all your pixelated memories and flushes them down the virtual drain, and you are left feeling exposed and robbed, sickened that all your plans (you know what I'm talking about...the plans for embarrassing your children when their first dates come over and you show them all those above mentioned naked baby pictures, and they curse your name forever, until they realize, when they themselves become parents, that it was actually a good idea, and the cycle repeats generation after generation) are RUINED.RUINED.

None of that!

It seriously has made me sick inside that all of Eden's hospital pictures are gone.


And that the video I took of her hiccuping is gone. She sounded JUST like a Coo Coo clock.


Jeremy tried to make me feel better by saying, "At least we have Eden!" and then I started feeling weepy because I realized at any second something could land on the house and squish her crib, or she could become a victim to SIDS or something...Reminded me of Tara, and how she used to worry about her child falling into the oven or dishwasher or microwave or something and dying, because, you know, that could really happen...It COULD.

Life would be so much simpler without things...

Blast you, virtual memory-destroying yeti.


Bethany said…
Oh no. I just feel sick for you. I'm so sorry!
Tina said…
That is awful. I remember when Tyler took our memory card to the store to print some pictures of John off and he came home without it!! All his hospital pictures were gone and I about threw up. Luckily I found it tucked away in John's car seat. It must have dropped out of Tyler's shirt when he bent over. Phew!! I know the feeling and I'm so sorry!! Love your drawing though!!!
Rebecca's Oasis said…
i totally know how you feel - we lost all our pictures from year one to year four when the house burned down. It was devistating. I'm so sorry that you lost your pictures.
Rebecca's Oasis said…
actually, I think it was the first five years of family pictures... I had some pictures in boxes in the garage that were not damaged and mom had pictures that she gave to me...
Zaphod said…
Think how it must feel when your actual memory goes........................................................

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