Childhood Memories

I had a vivid imagination as a child.

I truly believed that the dolls I had were going to kill me in my sleep, so they lived on the top shelf of my closet and my stuffed animals would protect me, in the event that the dolls made it off that top shelf in my closet.

Did I mention that I kept them on the top shelf in my closet?

I blame my brothers for my fear of dolls.

They exposed me to one too many horror flicks as a kid.

And "Chucky" was just wrong.

My neighbor friends fueled the fire by telling me of "a friend" they had who got a Chucky doll for his birthday, and the kid threw it in the trash, but it somehow made it back into his house...


Needless to say, I felt safe with my stuffed animals. They not only were faithful companions to me, but proved their trustworthiness by marrying my barbie dolls (who weren't, oddly, part of the Dolly Death Cult).

So, imagine my horror when I watched all those commercials with the live little teddy bear running around snuggling blanket.

And don't get me started on Teddy Ruxpen.

Years pass...and I'm working as a page in a library. And my (adult) friend, Rachel, decides to buy a Furbie (she's an adult, did I tell you?). Well, if you didn't know, Furbies were designed to learn, so they would talk to other Furbies, and learn new words, etc.

Rachel thought it was awesome.

I was a little more than creeped out by it.

As Rachel left the breakroom one day, she put her furbie in her locker and walked out. I continued to eat my lunch, and chills ran down my spin as I heard noises coming from Rachel's locker. It said:

"Ooooo...I'm scared..."

It must have been reading my mind...evil little possessed stuffed animal...

So, now my littles have their own possessed stuffed animals, and while they love them, they creep me out, especially when they start talking at night, when they are alone, in the playroom, and I'm in the living room, in the dark, watching "Season of the Witch" or something like unto it (that was a total waste of time, by the way...stupid movie...It destroyed so many brain cells it took me five minutes to figure out how to use the remote when it was over, and Jeremy had to remind me what my name was)...

I frequently hear, "I love you!" or some odd, maniacal laughing.



Katscratchme said…
I babysat a kid who had a Furbie.. he didn't play with it anymore, but it was sitting on the dining room table.
While I was watching TV, it started talking to itself... it hadn't learned much English yet and I don't speak Furbish so I have no idea what it was saying....
Probably something about worshiping the Furbish god of darkness...
Trillium said…
I had a little child who frequently said: "ET-Mommy!"

I never knew if the child thought I was ET or thought that ET was the REAL Mommy.

See how the movies confuse and warp children!!!
Rebecca's Oasis said…
i love furbies and porcelain dolls and those funny little dragons that talked too! I don't creep out easy. The only things that creep me out are undesireable and unwanted spirits. Their presence has always affected me deeply.

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