"Do you know what I like about you, Dara?" Emily said to me years ago.
I probably gave her a blank face, waiting for a punchline that would never come.
"You never say anything mean about people."
I was stunned, and immediately began to remedy the situation....
I woke up this morning full of guilty feelings (this seems to be happening a lot). I had dumped my woes (read juicy gossip-like drama) onto Mom and Dad during our Father's Day visit, and I recalled Emily's compliment with wretchedly stinging clarity.
It makes me think of "The Music Man." The clacking gossip-mongers descend upon Professor Hill and try to tear down Marian (the li-BRARRRRRIAN), little realizing that they are furthering his interest in her. But that's not the point. The point is that I felt like I was one of those women who, as they put it, "Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, pickpickpickpick..."
I don't know if it's the experiences I've had through life or what that has made me look at people through slanty-eyed scepticism. It certainly isn't conducive of charitable feelings, and it probably isn't attractive either (because all actions should be governed by the notion that you are attractive or not while doing them...or something).
I guess I need to repent.
... maybe that's why I say less and less these days ....