Repeat After Me...

"Mom looks like Fat Death! Heh heh!" Joshua exclaimed at the dinner table last night.

"Josh-U-A!" Jeremy scolded, putting enough emphasis on the A to make it clear that that emphasis meant he would come to an equally violent and abrupt end if he kept this up, topping it off with his Angry Daddy Glare, which always just looks a little silly on Jeremy's handsome face.

It was okay. I didn't care. I called myself that 2 seconds before, and Josh just thought it was funny.

It must be hard being our kid sometimes. But Josh is the bouncy-ball resilient type. Good thing.


Rebecca's Oasis said…
It is sweet that Jeremy wants to protect your delicate pregnant mommy feelings :)

Joshua is a good boy and like all other kids he repeats what he hears :)

It was funny!! :)
Trillium said…
Life can be rather confusing for a 5-year-old kid. They don't understand the concept of being delicate or diplomatic.
Chris said…
Yo! What happened to your last post? Ah well. You do know that once you post something on the internet, it is there forever, right? Check this out:

There are but few who know some of my secrets. Even fewer who know them all. There is longing that comes from the desire to share the anguish of my soul with another, the need for comfort, and a heartbreak that comes when I should not, can not...

Crazy, huh!
Tiffany said…
Oh dear that sounds so much like my 5 year old! Good thing Jeremy can make that awesome face that communicates a lot! :)

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