The Great Debate!
Okay, so, yeah. We have been hemming and hawing over homeschooling our little bundle of ADHD (not really...the ADHD part, not the hemming or hawing..).
And for a long time, I was super gung-ho, ya know? But then I make the mistake of talking to people (shame on me, opening my big, fat trap), and I start wondering if I am doing the best thing for my kid.
So, I start doing the whole pros and cons thing, and the list of pros with school boil down to one thing: the great social network.
Because, honestly, what better teacher could Josh have than his own mommy? I have math books, reading books, science books, finger paints, chalk, a very large ruler, everything I could possibly need to educate my young offspring (plus, wonder of wonders, he actually listens to me), but I don't have a bunch of little kids I can pull out of a file on a whim when I feel like he needs some socialization.
I almost went home from church yesterday, because I was so tired...but I decided to stay...I felt the "prompting" if you will. AND LO! I sat down next to a kindergarten teacher in Relief Society. Coincidence? I think not....
I took it as a sign, and went slobbering up to Jeremy after church, raving and ranting, "IT'S A SIGN!!"
He just looked at me with half-opened eyes and blinked. "Yeah, of what?"
I stopped mid-slobber stream.
"Uh...I don't know. I'll get back to you on that."
What happened in relief society went like this:
I sat down by myself in the corner (I feel safer in corners, which seems counter intuitive, but if you think about it, there is only the possibility of ONE person sitting next to you instead of two...). Up bounced a young thing, and plopped herself down one seat away from me.
She looked excited and exclaimed, "Hey! You are the new person, right??"
I confirmed her suspicion, and she went on.
"Come sit next to me!" She indicated the seat next to her, and I complied. Goodbye wall...
"And you have a kid who is going into kindergarten this year."
I felt like everyone was staring at me.
"Well, I don't think he will be going to school this year..."
"Really? Because I thought I had heard something like that...Well, anyway, my name is Mrs. X," she giggled. "I'm the kindergarten teacher!"
I then, for some stupid reason, had to explain to her what the story was. I felt like I was betraying all of humankind by admitting that I was going to homeschool to a school teacher. I don't know why I am so defensive...
I explained that I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do yet, and she said this:
"Well, if you homeschool, I would stick him in a playgroup, so he can socialize." No "OH MY GOSH! BURN, YOU HORRIBLE MOTHER!! YOU ARE SINGLE-HANDEDLY SUPPLYING THE WORLD WITH WEIRDIES!!!" like I was expecting.
"Well, if you homeschool, I would stick him in a playgroup, so he can socialize." No "OH MY GOSH! BURN, YOU HORRIBLE MOTHER!! YOU ARE SINGLE-HANDEDLY SUPPLYING THE WORLD WITH WEIRDIES!!!" like I was expecting.
I then asked her a bunch of questions, and after that, chewed on it for a while.
I then proceeded to freak out for about 4 hours (starting with the episode with Jeremy). I really think I needed a nap.
I THEN came to the conclusion, that yes, indeedy, I could provide the best education for my kids. And, by golly, there is a reason they have basketball, soccer, baseball, and karate classes(though I am not sure I will introduce my son into a world where whacking people with his hands is okay) for his age group. And they have them all fall and winter.
Sounds like a plan.
You know that scripture that talks about being "tossed to and fro" with all the ideas that blow around? Yeah, that's me. So, was it a sign?? Well, a sure sign that I seriously need to stop caring what other people think.
I was always jealous that you were homeschooled and I wasn't... :)
ovendess- a dutchess of the oven. Oh, what tasty things must come from her!