Gotta say somethin'

Well, I haven't blogged in over a week, and I feel like I have been letting down the numberless masses out there in Bloggoria (I was going to make some quip about the 3.76 people who actually read my blog, but then I remembered that I have six followers, and I don't wish to offend....)

Well, I haven't blogged because I have been tired and my eyeballs have felt like ripened grapes do right before they are laid out to become California Raisins. I think my optometrist lined my contact lenses with fine grains of lava rock.

And nothing funny has happened. Well, nothing funny that I can share, anyway. Often Jeremy and I come up with funny things (usually when we are au naturale in the salle de bains...What?! Don't look at me like that! Everything is funnier when you are can't say it isn't so...), but as soon as Jeremy notices the gleam in my eye, he looks serious and says, "You can't blog that." Such a shame...

My neighbor and I banded together and rescued a baby bird that my landlord had tossed in the garbage (Well, actually, I stood by while Tara riffled through the dumpster looking for the cheeping thing, and shuddered a little when she picked it up with her bare hands. My germaphobic tendencies saw to it that I sat in a boiling pot of water for 20 minutes. I think it's just birds, though, because I have no problem snuggling dirty ol' straggly stray cats. Except male stray cats. They are extra slimy, and I always feel like they are leering at me, and I can hear them thinking, "You know you want to pet me..." ...eee...jibblies...).

It reminded me of when some Starlings were nesting in Mom and Dad's porch roof and Dad went and pulled out the nest, repeatedly smacking the tar out of one of the babies that wasn't smart enough to get out of the way. I remember his face as Mom and I commented on the poor thing's resulting brain damage. Ha ha ha!

We are moving as soon as possible. We've had two people come look at our apartment, but I don't think there are any biters yet (the underwhelmed look on their faces was a dead give away). I was stressed out about it at first until I remembered that I don't own the place! Ha ha ha! I have a hard time seeing this place going fast since there are nicer apartments all around us that are going for just about the same price.

A week from today we are heading to sunny California for a much needed break. I AM SO EXCITED! And, Becky, you better have taken the whole week off!

Anyway, that's all I really have. As soon as something inspires me again, I will let you know.


Rebecca's Oasis said…
you didn't tell me to take the whole week off!!!!
Tina said…
Yay for vacations!! I hope you have such a fabulous time!!
Good luck moving. Now, are you moving to another apartment, a home, condo, townhouse...?
I hope something funny happens soon. I missed reading your blog!! (smile)
Katscratchme said…
When I told mom about the baby bird incident, she told me the exact same story about the starlings in the porch. :P
Though.. she didn't mention the bird abusing father....
Amy said…
Where are you moving?
Anonymous said…
We're moving to a house that Jeremy's uncle bought. We're sorta house sitting until he can live in it in a year or two. :)

And, Amy, having three kids in a two bedroom apartment should be enough of an explaination. :P
Bethany said…
We are off to California in a week, too. good times!
Tiffany said…
I'm so jealous that you get to go to California!

Where are you guys moving to? I mean which city?
Anonymous said…
Lovely Lindon!
Tara said…
I'm gonna miss you! Who am I supposed to make trouble with when you leave?! Dangit. I'm gonna have to move, too...

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