Makes my heart go SQUISH!
This morning, I woke up before my kids. This is a phenomenon. Usually, I am lying in bed and Joshua pops out of his room and I mumble, "closyourdoorangobaktobed." Half of the time he complies...the other half of the time, he hides behind the computer in the living room or behind the Christmas tree. Come January, he will only have one place to hide...
But, since I was the early riser, I got to organize myself before anybody stirred. Joshua made his entrance about an hour later, and Eva was still asleep (another phenomenon). I walked into their room and let the sunshine in. Eva sat up and said, very quietly, "Look Ghostie...booooo...." and shook her ghostie at me. Awww...isn't that cute?
At some point during breakfast, Eva came up to me and said, "Share?" She wanted some of Joshua's apples. I told her to go ask Josh. She waddled over to Josh (toddlers don't walk...) and said again, "Share?" Joshua had one all ready for her in his hand and kindly gave it to her. It's days like this that make me hope for the future!
As it is, Josh and Eva have become almost inseparable. Joshua frequently asks if he can wake Eva up from her nap so he has someone to play with. Eva won't start dinner without Josh. I hope they remain good friends, and that they allow Lily to be part of their pack! I think they will... :)
Allisa is a bit of a third wheel. She is fine with that. She finds joy in helping me and Victor and every once in a while Evan and Aislyn will allow her to be a part of their secret society.