Say what?

This morning at who knows what hour (I stopped checking the clock when I wake up to feed Lily. It's better not knowing...), Lily, having filled her tummy, decided to fill her pants. That's what happens when your intestines are 3 inches long: the milk goes in, the poo goes out. Anyway, she made quiet an ordeal out of it ie. made lots of noise. Jeremy, who was fast asleep, abruptly turned to me, opened his bloodshot eyes and slurred, "Did you just call my name?" Ha ha ha! I forgot how much fun having a baby is!


Rebecca's Oasis said…
Victor never stayed asleep when I got up with the baby... I liked that... If I wanted company, he was there.
Amy said…
There were several times I wanted to take a bat to Steve's head.
Trillium said…
"No comment" ... :P
Silly!! Yeah I wouldn't mind taking a bat to Ron's head, either.
Tiffany said…
ha ha, thanks for the laugh!

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