School Days

For some weird reason, I keep having dreams that I am in school. And they aren't pleasant.

I had a dream the other day, that I was in school (late, of course) and I was enjoying the class, but for some reason there were babies everywhere and I was scrambling to take care of them all, and was puzzled at their presence at a University.

Then I had another school dream that I was in a class, and the teacher went over their time by twenty minutes and after running out of that class, I was scrambling to find the location of the NEXT class, and after searching all the papers in my backpack, I finally found the class, which was right next door to the class I just left.

THEN, I had a dream that I was doing really well in school, but then realized, two weeks before school was to adjourn, that I had completely forgotten to attend one of my classes, and I was racking my brain trying to figure out if I could possibly do enough make-up work so I could pass the class and graduate.

Last night I had a dream that I was supposed to be singing with the old choir I used to sing with (LDC) and I wanted to go on choir tour, but I hadn't seen any music, and we were supposed to leave in a week. I called up the choir director, Doug Brenchley, and tried desperately to convince him I could learn the music and memorize it before we had to leave. He said he would let me know...

What the heck??!? It must be because school has started all around me. I would have thought that these dreams wouldn't plague me as I graduated 5 years ago. And I never had these types of anxiety dreams when I was IN school, so it's a little weird. Well, life is the greatest University, so perhaps I am having life-performance anxiety. Bleh...


Rebecca's Oasis said…
Maybe subconsiously you want to return to school and have anxieties about "peak performance"... :)
Anonymous said…
I DO want to go back to school...but sans the anxiety.
Trillium said…
I still have recurring anxiety dreams about school. The one that recurs most often is about never attending a history class and never reading the book,and the final test is tomorrow!!! UGH :(
Zaphod said…
You are channeling your father
leafhopper said…
I wonder why we have those dreams? I too have had dreams where I have forgotten to attend a class all year and now have to take a final and can't find the classroom.
Tiffany said…
I think I have 'life performance anxiety' too! :)
You. Are. Kidding. I have those two same exact dreams. The LDC one, I have a lot. And I ALWAYS dream that I'm back at school and it is never good.
Jen said…
I have those too - - the recurring one is that I can't find my locker and then after searching for quite some time I finally find it, but can't remember the combination. Niiiiiiice. The other is that I can't find the class . . . I go by it like 90 times, but there are no room numbers and so I can never find it . . . I don't think it's anxiety for me . . . more like frustration.

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