Crispy Critter
You know your sunburn is bad when you are sitting in the dark, and someone who hasn't seen you for days notices you and says, "Girl, you are fried!"
This evening I have been on a quest to discover sunburn remedies. Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are good for more than just potato chips. Shred one of those babies up, and bingo! Sunburn cure! Who'd a thought? (Although, Lay chips have enough oil on them, you could probably just save yourself some trouble, smash a few into a paste, and apply it to your sunburn. Or, maybe if you eat enough of them, the oil will leak through your skin from the inside.)
But, I have to admit, I am not much of a potato peeler unless I intend to eat it afterwards.
So, for all of you out there who have desecrated your skin by carelessly leaving it out in the sun, here are some simple remedies that are laying around your kitchen!
Shredded/sliced cucumber
Shredded potatoes
Aloe Vera leaves (I almost killed my plant, so I adopted it out...)
1/4 cup lemon juice mixed with two cups water
20-25 drops lavender oil mixed with one cup water
Olive oil
Apple cider vinegar
Crushed aspirin (or you can take the aspirin, but it must be taken within 24 hours for best results)
Turmeric and lime juice
Vitamin E
And, the best remedy of all: Not getting burned in the first place.
I am for the vinegar solution, personally. Vinegar restores the pH in your skin. Just remember if you use anything that leaves your skin feeling tight or dry, oil it up! You don't want any peelies.
Sorry about the sunburn :( I hope you feel better soon
I'm all for the not burning in the first place... since I burn and go back to white, I get absolutely nothing positive from the deal. Though, these days (supposedly) it's more attractive to be pale skinned than tan... I'm not so sure I believe that.