So, I was sitting in Dad's office, prepping myself to sing.
Tra la la, as Jeremy would say.
Jenny and Dad were clearing their respective voices, and then started to sing a song I had rejected because it was
B O R I N G.
I don't know how many of you know "The river is wide" but let me tell you, listening to it is like sitting in a row boat with no oars in said river on a hot day right in the middle of a healthy mosquito farm with no bug spray, no shade, no moving water, and your arms have fallen off. Really.
So, I steeled myself as they both simultaneously inhaled.
WOW! I was blown away. I started to get a little teary, but I closed my eyes so I wouldn't draw attention to my weepy ways.
Okay, whew...that passed...eeeya.
I have mentioned in a previous blog my feeling about "Watership Down." I read the first 3 pages and gently put the bunny wars book aside and read something with a little more umph...you know something about people, or in the very least, bi-pedal individuals, like elves.
Sometime back, Jenny said she wanted to sing "Bright Eyes" from the movie, and I jokingly would sing to Jeremy, "Briiiiiggght eeeeyyyyeessss, burning with ire...." hehehe...
I wasn't too familiar with this song. I had most of it down, but I asked for some YouTube clarification.
Dad pulled it up, and along with the music, it showed clips from the movie...
There were little bunnies, hopping around, sniffing the air in their little bunny ways...
Cute little hoppities, socializing in big groups...
Then they showed the little bunnies dying...
Killed by poisonous gas that was filtered into their little holes...
And this little bunny was laying on the ground faintly breathing, and then it's wispity soul cheerfully rose from it's body and bounced away into the sky.
Weepy again....
Sheesh...somebody call the Waaaa-mbulance. 9-waaa-waaaa...
And for your viewing pleasure...
I'm digging the psychedelic bunnies. :)
Tra la la, as Jeremy would say.
Jenny and Dad were clearing their respective voices, and then started to sing a song I had rejected because it was
B O R I N G.
I don't know how many of you know "The river is wide" but let me tell you, listening to it is like sitting in a row boat with no oars in said river on a hot day right in the middle of a healthy mosquito farm with no bug spray, no shade, no moving water, and your arms have fallen off. Really.
So, I steeled myself as they both simultaneously inhaled.
WOW! I was blown away. I started to get a little teary, but I closed my eyes so I wouldn't draw attention to my weepy ways.
Okay, whew...that passed...eeeya.
I have mentioned in a previous blog my feeling about "Watership Down." I read the first 3 pages and gently put the bunny wars book aside and read something with a little more umph...you know something about people, or in the very least, bi-pedal individuals, like elves.
Sometime back, Jenny said she wanted to sing "Bright Eyes" from the movie, and I jokingly would sing to Jeremy, "Briiiiiggght eeeeyyyyeessss, burning with ire...." hehehe...
I wasn't too familiar with this song. I had most of it down, but I asked for some YouTube clarification.
Dad pulled it up, and along with the music, it showed clips from the movie...
There were little bunnies, hopping around, sniffing the air in their little bunny ways...
Cute little hoppities, socializing in big groups...
Then they showed the little bunnies dying...
Killed by poisonous gas that was filtered into their little holes...
And this little bunny was laying on the ground faintly breathing, and then it's wispity soul cheerfully rose from it's body and bounced away into the sky.
Weepy again....
Sheesh...somebody call the Waaaa-mbulance. 9-waaa-waaaa...
And for your viewing pleasure...
I'm digging the psychedelic bunnies. :)