Pardon my French...

I have a Bachelor's Degree. In ENGLISH. Thus the necessity to italicize, bold, and enlarge the words. By telling you this, I am basically saying: Don't mess with me or I will pulverize your sorry little brain with my big words.


Jeremy grew up saying things and spelling things phonetically. Which isn't to say that is a bad thing. I mean, it means he could read after all...

And he would say things like "Pellow" and "Sherbert" and other things that drove me up the wall. So, he would use those words thus: "I am going to lay down on my pellow while I eat my sherbert..." AAARRRGGHHHH!!!

So, Dad and I had a good old time disabusing him of certain ways of saying things, and mostly got Jeremy to stop making up words.

(I am not husband bashing, I promise! I mean, last night, Jeremy and I had a conversation that went like this: We were sitting on the couch just before dinner. Jeremy was observing his stomach and I was enjoying the aroma of our dinner in the oven.
"I think I have more girth," Jeremy said, pulling up some skin on his abdomen.

"Well, you were emaciated before...Hey, could you check on the casserole to see if it had coagulated?"
No joke. We really do talk like this.)

Anyway, you know the saying "Turn about is fair play" ?
It is so not fair.

Often, Jeremy tells me I can dish it out but I can't take it. That is very true.

I do think his criticism is a tad unfair though. I can't help what I am doing.

After dinner was over and the kids were in bed, we sat on the couch and chatted.
"It's really cold out..." Jeremy said, shutting the windows.

"Yeah, hopefully it will get warm soon."

Jeremy snickered.

"Waarm," he mocked.

He smirked and said, "It's pronounced 'warm.'"

"HEY! I pronounced it correctly!"

"Waarm," he laughed again.

Like I said, a tad unfair.

I have a Californindianewmexiutahn accent, with some of my mother's Meeenisooootan. I guess that's what you get when you move a lot...


Katscratchme said…
I have a dash of the Minnesota in my speech as well. I have a hard time catching myself doing it, but I'm certain that I do it mainly when I'm talking quickly.
At least Jeremy knows what you're talking about when you use your big words... I've worked with some people that I would have to explain just about every word I used.. sigh.
Trillium said…
And guess what-- I have been accused of saying "warsh" for wash. Of course, I don't think I do that, but I caught my mother saying it that way at least once. And she grew up in Nevada. She would deny it, I'm sure.
Anonymous said…
We're all in denial.
Rebecca's Oasis said…
I get a little twangy when I get excited. It's hard to stay calm and say each word correctly.

After I took a voice and diction class - dad said that I sound affected... whatever... :)
Tiffany said…
I think accents are awesome! They make us unique.

I love how creative your blog is. I've been thinking I need to start writing more creatively on mine instead of only posting pictures. Hopefully I'll start soon...we'll see!
Zaphod said…
I am accent free, except when I speak Spanish, and then I sound like a Mongolian Idiot. Trillium finds fault with some of the words I learnt as a child, trying to persuade me that I should speak like an American and not like some goodball raised on the shores of the Tems (or Thames, if you must)
Anonymous said…
Your blog is so cute, Tiffany! Don't be silly...
Dad, I didn't know you talked like a Mongolian...?
Jen said…
learnt? Come now, you're not that English. . .

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