The Office

I don't know when it started, but I have been peer-pressured into watching "The Office."

I had seen clips here and there, and didn't understand the draw at ALL.

Chris said he had a similar experience, until he watched the pilot.

So, Jeremy and I watched the pilot.


Ever since, Jeremy and I have been trying to watch the rest of season one online, but there is always some catch that involves your soul and/or sacrificing your children, so we haven't been able to.

Until yesterday.

We went to Costco because during my nap, I had been dreaming about their turkey swiss rolls...yum...

So, I walked down the DVD aisle, and Lo, and Behold! There is was! Season One in it's entirety! YAY!

We rushed home, threw the kids (lovingly) in bed, plopped ourselves on the couch with our turkey swiss rolls and a bowl of grapes and turned on the was the most depressing two hours of my life.

It wasn't funny.

It was horrible.

The people are so mean and nasty to each other, and it isn't entertaining to watch. I felt sorry for them all.

"The all-humiliation network," as one movie put it.

Blah..what a waste of time.

The only thing it had going for it was the thing between Pam and the guy with shaggy hair.

Jeremy and I looked at each other after it was over and shuddered a little.

Then we popped in "Inspector Morse"....

Don't get me started on that...


We are taking a trip to Costco this morning to return the horrible DVDs. I am so glad they take everything back.


Trillium said…
I was disappointed with "Inspector Morse," too. One show was so awful it was laughable. The only episode that was halfway decent was the last one in the collection.

As far as "The Office" series, I watched one episode once. I won't be watching any others. What is edifying about watching psychologically warped people be petty and childish?
Trillium said…
PS: I posted a blog a few minutes ago ... but it may not show up on your index for days. Stupid Blogger.
Trillium said…
Chris' blog posted Thursday hasn't shown up yet on the indexes.
Katscratchme said…
I think you have to have worked in an office setting in order to find The Office funny. I think it is HIGHlarious. People in an office ARE stupid, mean and petty. That's why it's so funny.
I don't know... I AM a little twisted. Oh well.. I like me anyhow.
Spencer said…
Season one is by far the meanest. It is too much like the UK show, on which it is based. UK humor is a little more raw than US humor. Anyway, season three is when it gets good. You shouldn't give up! There is laughter to be had. Not just laughter, but rolling around on the floor until you tear up hilarium. Don't take my word for it, just start watching season three online. You can thank me later...
The Mrs. said…
I totally agree with you. The first time I watched it, I didn't know it was supposed to be a joke and got really offended....I don't like it at all. Poo on the office.
Amy said…
I love it. Not all episodes (or seasons are great)...but certain moments are worth it. You can't take it too serious.

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