The Brownish-Green Thumb

Last year for our wood anniversary, Jeremy built me a raised planter. I LOVE IT! Anywho, I went crazy and bought a whole bunch of plants and filled the little box to my hearts content. That is when I discovered that there are some plants that I will almost certainly kill. Anything fragile I will destroy in a few days, and the only thing I seem to be able to keep a live are small trees (Although, my money tree went all the way of money, and disappeared. Oh, and my sego palm. Oh, and my bamboo, but that doesn't count as a tree does it? Besides, that one had some kind of infestation that was SO not my fault.)

Everyday last summer, I would go out and water my little plants (until Jeremy told me to stop since I was drowning them), and absorb their happiness.
Then, sadly, as the summer wore on to early fall, I stopped watering my plants altogether...And they all died. Did I forget, you ask? No, I stopped caring. They were all going to die anyway, right? Right?? It's a good thing I don't have that same opinion of my children...

Jeremy was rather put out that I let all those happy plants die (except the herbs, which I repotted, and then let die on my windowsill a few months later.). He has the green thumb. It's like the plants perk up and try to look their best when he comes home...kinda like me, but I am not planted in dirt...just a pile of laundry and diapers.

Winter always seems long, and a few weeks ago, I was pining for some friendly, colorful plants to put on my windowsill. Jeremy was encouraging, so I now have a phalaenopsis orchid--or moth orchid--and a bonsai ficus ginseng (perhaps my money tree was reincarnated...Oh, yeah...I had another bonsai tree that died. Gosh, I am really bad with plants!).

I am a little worried that my over-exuberant love for my two little plants will kill them. Both of them cannot be outside, so I am hoping their residence next to my sink will help me take care of them better (never mind that is where the herbs were...I mean, herbs are supposed to be dry and crunchy, right? And who really needs that much basil?)

Jeremy and I are planning on filling the planter in the next couple of weeks, as soon as late frosts aren't a threat.
So, happy springish to you all! Let's hope it stays this way...


Amy said…
It's easy to stop caring...especially when it gets hot outside.

Happy Springish to you to!
Katscratchme said…
I love growing plants... last year was my first successful one. I actually got tomatoes and beans. The catnip overtook the other herbs I planted in the same giant pot. I also stopped caring about mid fall and all my plants withered away.
Oh, and I'm amazed that you chose an orchid. They're notoriously difficult to care for. I'd read up on it if I were you. (Not to be discouraging or anything.)
Anonymous said…
I did read up on it, and I think I can expect to have it's funeral mid-april
Trillium said…
I once (in Indiana) had a wonderful houseplant known as Swedish Ivy (or so I was told). It was magnificent--and was probably the only plant that didn't care if it was either ignored or drowned. It also made tiny fragrant blossoms. I LOVED that plant and gave it to my friend Judy Provonsha when we moved from Indiana.

I only have one plant now. (I gave away the several that I once had because they were more responsibility than I wanted.) Becky gave it to your father for his birthday or father's day or something several years ago. It has been sorely abused and has managed to keep on keeping on. I looked at it yesterday and wondered when I had last watered it. Maybe in December??? So, I gave it a drink of a half-gallon of water! It said "thanks, glub."

Maybe I should give this tough plant to you????
I bet I can kill plants faster than you.
Anonymous said…
Awww...don't give me dad's plant! That would be so sad...

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