
Remember a few posts back, I talked about Jeremy's trench coat being stolen...?
it has returned...

Jeremy informed me on Sunday, after weeks and weeks of waiting for his coat to return, that he finally decided to adopt the reject coat.

Lo and Behold! In the pockets were some familiar looking gloves...As it turns out...

The coat left on the rack...
The one Jeremy snubbed because it was inferior...
The one he has kept balled up in the clerks office...
The one he said he would boil before he wore...
Is HIS jacket.
Apparently someone had shifted his coat over (probably to get theirs) and he assumed it wasn't his. Sheesh...all those Sundays he has gone cold because he didn't realize the coat was his.
Well, I suppose it is a lesson to check things thoroughly before you make a judgement. I actually has visions of the Stake President snatching the coat and brazenly wearing it everywhere. I would actually stare hard at people as they walked by to see if they had Jeremy' coat.. Isn't that awful?
LOL! Oh well...


Katscratchme said…
So classic! How critical we can be of other people's stuff, when we don't realize it is ours. LOL!!
Jen said…
That's funny! I was doing gma's hair at the Berkshire, when I couldn't find the clips to do her hair. I figured one of the nurse's aides stole them. I looked at every one of them to see if I could tell if they were the thief. I later found the clips underneath the mirror in her closet. LOL
Trillium said…
I almost did the same thing at a ward dinner once. The dutch oven that was returned to me didn't look like mine because mine was "newer." In the end, I realized that it really was mine. I'm so glad I didn't make a huge public fuss about it!!!
Tiffany said…
Oh dear! That's funny!
Amy said…
It's awesome when you get to see other people wallowing in the muddy pits of humility.

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