12 Step Program

Last night I realized that I am an addict.
A food addict.
And it doesn't help that I am on a diet, and food is a "no-no."
Nothing like a few restrictions to make you wanna eat anything fried. My guess is that if they ever came out with fried high-fructose corn syrup I would try it, love it, and then OD on it.
So, I thought to myself, "They say if you have a problem, and you realize it, that is the first step."
Which made me think of AA's 12 step program. I think I will start my own group: FAA (Food Addicts Anonymous).

Step 1: Admit you have a problem, and then finish chewing your candy bar.
Step 2: Throw away the candy wrapper.
Step 3: Eat something healthy, like baked high-fructose corn syrup.
Step 4: Confront your stash of crap-food, and let them know that they don't control you anymore.
Step 5: Silence the bag of chips that is giving you flack.
Step 6: Gather your stash, and systematically tell each what you like about it, and then throw it away.
Step 7: Take trash out.
Step 8: Go to the store.
Step 9: Walk down the produce aisle, muse for a while, and put an apple in your cart.
Step 10: Leave produce aisle, and head for snack aisle.
Step 11: Fill cart with crap-food (You have an apple, it's okay!).
Step 12: Repeat.

Well, perhaps it's not the best plan,but it is sorta like what I have been doing. Oh well...Maybe I shouldn't diet anymore. Maybe I should just eat when I am hungry, and exercise, and just let what happens happen. When I called up Missy yesterday to ask her how her personal Biggest Loser regime was going, she said, "I haven't really thought about it." Seems healthy to me!


Trillium said…
Hello, my name is Trillium and I am a food addict . . . .

mormil: normal for a Mormon
Katscratchme said…
Ben says you should have a 3 step program...
1. Go to the store.
2. Put apple in cart.
3. Go Home. (The crap food is still there... it's waiting.)

As for me, I've discovered a new love for fresh fruits and veggies. I blame it on Henry since Audrey was a potato and hamburger girl. I've been gaining weight as I should, but not nearly as much as the first time.

dowmest: whatever dowm is.. I'm the est at it.
Zaphod said…
Hi! My name is Zaphod nandf I am the President of MBNVAAA (Maple Bars Not Very Anonymous At All). I don't have a problem.
Zaphod said…
I know that "and" is spelled "a-n-d" and not "n-a-n-d-f", but my mouth was full at the time.
Rebecca's Oasis said…
Hi! I am Oasis and I am a junk food addict. Today I couldn't pull myself away from the three red zingers; 2 mountain dews and two handfuls of ruffles potato chips.

Feeling a little guilty I decided to eat a healthy dessert: half of a banana sliced; flanked by six nilla wafers; and three small scoops of slow churned frozen yogurt (pecan praline)...

qualmo: qualified motive for eating junk food
Tiffany said…
that's my exact philosophy! believe it or not, eating what i wanted and simply exercising actually worked to help me loose my baby weight with Preston. haven't had luck since Micah was born, but I'm still hopeful!

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