Way of Life Revisited
I thought I would give an update on my way of life. Halloween is an EVIL holiday, designed by candy manufacturers and weight loss programs across the world. They are in cahoots!
And can I tell you that "cheat" meals are also evil? It's not like I have self-control anyway, so having a cheat meal once a week has more frequently than not turned into a cheat day, or two days, or three days, and heck, let's just start the diet all over again on Monday, that way I have one more day to be really, really bad!
So, while I lost a phenomenal amount of weight, I subsequently gained it back, and then had to lose it all again. So, to date, I have lost 5 lbs (well, I actually started out at 173 and am now 166, but I only counted the day I started the diet, and that morning I weighed 171..but whatever...).
The really great thing about the ABS DIET is that it taught me the right kind of foods to eat. Sure, I knew I should eat fruits and vegetables, etc. but it retrained my thinking process...provided I am not tired and wanting to eat a whole bag of M & Ms. But when I am in control of my senses, the diet works great! And I LOVE what I am eating (again, provided that I am not "cheating." Nothing tastes good after eating chocolate...except more chocolate.)
So, I am still going forward in my quest to ease the pressure on my straining joints! I really think I can do it. I just have to remind myself that I will be angry at myself if I give into my chocolate desires. And I always am. EVERY TIME. You would think I would catch on...
You and weigh about the same - which means I am a very short fat woman.
noeti: "No Eat, No Grow, Shout!" in ancient chocolate
tamleari: tam is leery... of diets that is
Almonds, and other nuts
Beans, and other legumes
Spinach, and other green vegetables
Dairy, non- and low-fat
Instant Oatmeal
Turkey, and other lean meats
Peanut butter, natural, no sugar
Olive oil
Whole-grain breads and cereals
Extra-whey protein powder
Raspberries, and most other fruits
...I have a problem.