Oh, no, not again...

I have started another diet...oh, excuse me! I mean, way of life. Sigh...
I shouldn't feel bad since the..um...way of life... has me eat 6 meals a day. SIX! That's alot. Unfortunately for me, because I am on this...way of life... I am thinking about food all the time! "When do I eat next???" "Do I have the food they recommend???" "WHY DO I FEEL HUNGRY? I JUST ATE!" "What can I get away with??? Just a little butter???" "I WANT CHOCOLATE REALLY REALLY BAD!" "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!"

But I shouldn't be feeling too bad. It will take me a few days to get into the rhythm of things. I hope. What I am really, truly excited for is my one cheat meal a week:
Of course, at this point lard is starting to sound pretty good. With sugar on top. I'll call it my "lugar" treat. I can dye it pretty colors and serve it at parties...Lugar...yumm....
It's all psychological, I know. There are those rare days I "forget" to eat, and I am fine. Any good habit takes 2 weeks to stick they say (who ARE "they" anyway? and have they ever even FORMED a habit??)....so, here is day one. Hopefully I can make it longer with this, urr, way of life than the last way of life I was trying. That lasted as long as it took me to write my blog.


Davola said…
I understand just how you feel. I've tried to change my lifestyle about 15 to 20 times failing miserably. But I think I'm starting to get the hang of things, I've shed close to 20 pounds. If you fail, just start again. You have unlimited tries until you are dead.
DebbieLou said…
Well, wasn't that uplifting, Dave. (Until about the last line, that is.)

Seriously though, you can do it Dara! Who needs "lugar" anyways? BTW, "lugar" sounds more like a combination of "booger" and "loogie" rather than "lard" and "sugar" to me! :{ Perhaps you can think of that when you are tempted instead. :)
Trillium said…
I too am contemplating my next ... umm ... way of life/experiment. (sigh)

criadd: must have some spooky surreal meaning

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