My Fambily

My cutsie-woos are always in trouble. It's probably because I am blogging...oh well...Eva has decided that when I fold laundry she needs to pre-dirt them, and throws everything on the floor..sigh..I hate to stop her since she seems so determined to help.
click me!
My little sock elf!
Ruff and Tumble! Joshua thinks that Eva is a puppy. I understand why he thinks so, since she crawls on floor, and sometimes makes purring noises (that's a cat thing I know, but still...) but she is less tolerant of his excessive love than a dog would be.

Box junkie. Joshua gets great enjoyment out of boxes, and will squash himself into any box that we bring into the house. He always seems surprised when they fall apart. He had a hay-day when we brought the dryer home with it's accompanying box.
Whaaaaaaatttt??? Eva is my second vacuum. It's kinda gross. Anything remotely disgusting she will find and stick in her mouth. The other day at Papa and Grammy's house, she made a bee line for a pile of kitty stomach goop (thanks to Joshua, who helpfully pointed it out).
Cute cute cute! It's so sad, but I don't have very many pictures of Jeremy. I wish I did, since I think he is so cute! It's probably because he was living at the school for a year finishing his degree, and now is working and by the time he comes home, I am too frazzled to take any pictures of him. It's kinda hard. It's not exactly like I can stop feeling crazy and be like "Work it! Work it! Come on, give me some attitude! *click click*" when he walks in the door....maybe I should do that today...hmm...I think I will...More fodder for my next blog! I felt like a loser today when Jenny came over...we were talking about pre-marriage and I said "Yeah, I just wanted to get married, and Jeremy was nice, so..." It sounded really bad, but I didn't mean it to come out that way...sigh... it's too bad you can't run your conversation through an editing system before you let your ill-composed thoughts splatter on others. I LOVE my husband! He is cute, and funny, and sweet, and and and and more sweet, and smart, and fun, and cool, and nerdy (which is cool)! Anywho...There is my fambily.


Trillium said…
Yes, Miss Kitty is doing the AJ thing and tossing her cookies. Less than two years old and already has hairballs from OCD grooming. The difference between AJ and Miss Kitty is that AJ would find you and throw up in front of you while Miss Kitty is more private about it.
DebbieLou said…
What a cute fambily! It makes me want to come visit. Ah!!! Someday.

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