Immunization and Relaxation

Germs are great! I whole-heartedly believe that kids should have a close relationship with dirt: eat it, roll in it, wear it, breathe it, spread it, smear it! Just not in my house....anyway...I was never one of those parents who kept their child from playing on the floor or getting dirty, eating petrified foreign objects off the floor, or under the fridge.
My sister, Melissa, would proudly tell me that her daughter, Eliza, would eat Roley-polies, either alive or dead, off the floor in their house. That was a little too creepy for me, but her kids are all healthy so perhaps there are some kind of antibiotic properties in Roley-polies...?

My kids are usually sick-free (is that a term?). Eva is of a tender disposition, and isn't as hearty as Joshua, but she seems to be spry most of the time. Joshua has only been sick a few times, and so, with confidence I went to the Doctor's office to get Eva immunized. I don't know why they don't have a giant WARNING! sign on the office door.

So, thinking, "okay, my kids will be fine crawling on the floor in the doctor's office" I let my children roam and explore the sticky, grimy, germ-infested room. My sub-consciousness was screaming out a warning, but I didn't heed it. I just sat back and watched my children lick every surface in their reach, which was quite a lot, and they, like always, had plenty of time to be thorough.
I never understood why doctors scheduled appointments into their busy lives. I mean, obviously, they don't have time in between games of golf to actually see anybody, so why schedule 40 people for the same time slot if you can't make it?

Usually I am too intimidated, frazzled and stressed out to ask anything because I have been sitting in that STUPID room for over an hour and just want to GET OUT!!!! Do I have any questions?? YEAH, I DO! Why don'tchya stop asking me stupid questions?!?

Eva was less than happy with her visit (I would too, I mean, that nurse was pretty harsh with those needles... *Stab Stab Stab Stab*

I was laying on the couch watching "Chariots of Fire" a few days later, STILL feeling frazzled, my husband rubbing my feet and legs, exhausted. At one point in the movie, a coach was massaging his runner, and I said to Jeremy "What would that be like, to run around all day, and then get a long massage?" The look my husband gave me would have crumbled a skyscraper.
Needless to say, my kids are now sick. Those mutant germs infiltrated their tiny bodies and ravaged their immune systems! It's very sad. Although I have to say that Eva's snot bubbles are kinda cute.
Snot bubbles... nasty.. no matter how cute your kid is.
My word verification is :
qojmobne -- must mean cute snob bubbles . . . .
My word verification: acnjdygd
sounds like a sneeze to me
I think your Russian word for zoinks is the best!
There are only a couple of doctors that I have any respect for. Dr. Gorelick (the man that delivered Aislyn and Allisa) and Dr. Blickenstaff (currently our Stake President). My current physician is kind of weird - but the Nurse Practioner is sharp!
Word verification: duavfl
means: do whateva just don't give me the flu