Paranoia, or being smart?

Do you know what is a fun word? Lentil. It just rolls around, jumps up and down, and then rests smuggly on the tip of your tongue. Leennnttillll. Crisp! It almost has a rainbowy sound. L E N T I L...

The reason I bring this up, is because I have this terrible fear of war and famine. I have this idea in my head that some day (soon perhaps) I will need dried beans. So, in light of that, every time I go to the store, I end up wandering down the pasta isle and end up putting 20 bags of dried beans into my cart...And it doesn't make me feel better...because on my fridge is a list of what I need for a family a four in pounds and I have enough for maybe Eva, but she doesn't eat beans so I am still stressed out and have to buy more beans! Which reminds me of a song, but I won't sing it...some of my readers may find it offensive.

Beans, beans, beans... sigh...


Amy said…
You are so funny! And can I just agree with you up and down. What the heck am I gonna do with 10 cans of red wheat!?
Anonymous said…
LOL makes lots of bread after you grind up the wheat with your teeth...hehehehe... :D
Chris said…
You could always sell the Lentil back to the Chinese. They love the stuff. It's like salt for us. They put it on everything! They even put Lentil on Lentil.

Hey, I want to hear the song about beans. I won't get offended.
Anonymous said…
Beans, beans, the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot the more you eat, beans beans beans!

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