So, there I was, my naive little self, thinking that my birds were just roommates...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. When I first brought Toffee and Cricket home, their platonic behavior suggested that they were just buds, and that I didn't need to worry about any schenanigans going on in my pure bird cage... But, there I was, sitting at my computer (the bird cage is kitty-corner to my desk) listening to Toffee sing his beautiful song. I looked over to further admire his chorteling, and this is what I observed: Toffee and Cricket were sitting on one of the perches, and Toffee was singing, and began side stepping closer and closer to Cricket. I won't tell you what happened next, but let's just say that I was shocked at their complete lack of propriety. And once wasn't enough...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he had to keep doing it ALL DAY for the next 3 DAYS. Jeremy and I would yell at Toffee every time he started it again, "Now STOP THAT!" Well, needless to say, an egg showed up in the nest, but apparently it was a dud, because they chucked it out of the nest. It was replaced with a clutch of four eggs. So, Toffee and Cricket are now expecting four baby birds at some point in the next couple of days, assuming they are fertilized.

Shame on you! Shame, shame, shame!


Amy said…
Aw, that's still so sweet! Little birdies are adorable!...once they get over the alien stage.
Anonymous said…
LOL! What happened to your blog? It says it doesn't exist anymore...
Chris said…
SWEET!! You can tell your kids about the birds and the bees. Literally!!!

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