Crazy me
So, I was reading my sister's blog, and I was feeling proud that I had, and so I asked her if she had read mine lately, because I had posted. She said she had read the one about Me and that hadn't seen anything since, and I said I had posted and she should look at it, and so, to refresh my memory about what I had written, I looked at my blog and I HADN'T posted. I think I wrote an entire blog in my head complete with photos and failed to post it. Oh well. So, here is my lame-o post, because I feel like I need to write something and validate my "I posted today!" need. Sigh...On a side note, we have a disneyland trip coming up! I am terrified that it will be a replay of our anniversary. We went to Pukeland and only stayed long enough for me to recover from the 6 puke rides we went on and walk upright to our car. I have inherited my father's stomach and even my own driving makes me carsick sometimes. I will have to cross my fingers ( and everyother body part I can) that I can make it through Thunder Mountain without tossing my cookies! Wish me luck...