I think our horrendous potty training is at an end! Joshua can now do both with apparent ease, which means my life will become a happy nirvana...maybe. Heheheh!
I woke up this morning and had itchy bumps on my knee. I thought "Sheesh, I hope we don't have spiders in our bed." But then I remembered that my new feathered friends have the high potential of having I was scavenging the internet trying to figure out if my birdies had a parasite. Worried, I clicked on a link, and the poster said that unless your bird is bald from pulling out all their feathers, chances are they don't mites...THEN I remembered that a few weeks ago, my poor little bamboo started to wilt. I don't have a green thumb, so I supposed it was due to over-watering, or under-watering, or neglect, or not enough sun, or too much sun, or maybe it's a female bamboo and is moody. Well, I looked at the underside of the leaves as I was inspecting my sickly little plant, and there were these white little fuzzies in clumps on the bottom. I thought "What weird fuzzy clumps" washed them off, and then put my plant outside where the top portion of it promptly died. WELL, as I was educating myself on mites, as it turns out plants get mites too...and they make fuzzy little clumps on the bottoms of leaves...SO, that prompted my spraying my house with 100 gallons of RAID, and washing everything, including my daughters pink build-a-bear just in case. I feel all itchy from the thought of little bugs crawling all over everyone, but apparently I am the only victim of these invisible/imaginary spiders. We will see. I can't verywell boil my own body, but if I could, I would. Sigh...Stupid bamboo...OR, the other possibility is that I have some weird skin disease, but I would rather have mites than a disease, so hopefully my over-exuberant spraying of my house will erradicate me of my problem.


Scarcy Family said…
hey Jeremy, What's up! I caught your families blog through Spencer's blog. Hope ll is well. gotta go my baby is screaming for her bath

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